Here are 6 of the top reasons why outdoor advertising is a great choice:
Out of home (OOH) advertising is the most effective offline medium in driving online activity, according to a new study released by Nielsen. The study found OOH delivers more online activity per ad dollar spent compared to television, radio, and print.
“OOH’s connection to digital media is undeniable,” said OAAA’s Nancy Fletcher. “OOH campaigns boost online engagement more than other traditional media can. As digital ad spend increases, so does OOH’s, because it drives people in the real world online.”
Nearly five in 10 US adults (46%) have used Google, Bing, Yahoo, or another Internet search engine to look up information after seeing or hearing something advertised in OOH formats in the past six months. Nearly 40 percent have visited a Facebook page or posted a message on Facebook after seeing an OOH ad.
Why is the Nielsen Study so compelling in todays environment? We need to take a look at why billboards vastly out-indexed all other traditional media.
How much does billboard advertising cost? Are the costs of billboard advertising worth the money? Using billboards to advertise your products and services is a smart move and billboard prices might be less than you think.
When comparing the cost of Outdoor Advertising to other media you have to compare apples-to-apples. Our costs are for 4-weeks of advertising, 24 hours a day. Their costs are for 1 Newspaper ad or 1 Spot (TV or radio), not 24 hours a day seven days a week for 4 weeks. That’s why our costs are so drastically cheaper.
The cost of billboard advertising can vary greatly based on locations. A small program giving you 2 rotary billboards in your immediate trade area would only run $990 per 4-weeks. That breaks down to only $35 per day to target 2 major roads in your immediate market. This breaks down to an average CPM (cost per thousand impressions) of $1.30. For every THOUSAND people that see your billboard, you’re paying roughly $1.30. No one else can come close to that cost efficiency.
Repetition is the key element in all advertising
Advertising is an essential part of growing and expanding your business. You cannot expect your business to grow without consistent advertising and promotion. This does not mean you need to break the bank to advertise. You do not need to use expensive advertising methods to promote your business. You do, however, need to be smart in how you advertise and you need to be realistic in what to expect from your advertising.
Many businesses fall into what could be called the “now you see me, now you do not” syndrome. This is a common scenario with business owners. They run a billboard for a couple of months, place an ad in a newsletter, magazine or newspaper, send out direct mail or run a few radio spots and when they don’t see quick results they pull their ad after a very short run. This is one of the biggest mistakes a business owner can make.
Studies show that often a consumer needs to see your ad (product or service) a number of times before making a purchasing decision. Not only does repeating your ad gives your company recognition with the consumer, it also gives your company credibility.
Learn from the very expensive mistake of one internet company. This company put their entire advertising budget into a one-time advertising spot during the Super Bowl. They hired extra people to man the phone center, expecting huge results. After all, this was the Super Bowl with millions upon millions of viewers! But guess what happened? The phone hardly rang at all. They were dumbfounded and lost their advertising budget completely. You cannot expect great results with a one-time shot at advertising. Even if you are advertising to millions of people, repetition is the key.
Top of the Mind Awareness is the key to Market Share
When you think of pop, what are the first brands that come to mind? Chances are Coke or Pepsi are the #1 and #2 answers. Why is that? After spending billions of dollars in advertising over the years they have successfully gained top of the mind awareness for their category. And, customers purchase from companies they favorably recall. As a small business, you need to be at the top of our prospects’ minds. The biggest challenge is creating Top of Mind Awareness (sometimes referred to as TOMA), without breaking the bank!
If you want to stand out in a prospect’s mind, you need to be a standout. What is it that makes you or your business special? Is it your size, location, quality, speed, availability, or price (to name a few)? If you’re an also-ran, you’ll get run over. Yet most businesses cannot articulate what makes them different. Do yourself a favor and spend some time focused on this one item. If you’re in doubt, ask your best customers. They’ll know!
Design your marketing message to reflect your unique position. Then repeat your message over and over and over. Repetition breeds familiarity and familiarity builds credibility. And that, we know, increases sales. Where else can you add your positioning message – on your signature line for your email, on your voicemail message?
Outdoor Advertising delivers aided recall for ALL media.